Friday 15 March 2013

Carb Back Loading Cbl 1.0 Review - How Does It Work? Diet Plan Book by John Kiefer Program

Carb Back Loading Program Review - Does it Really Work?

Carb Back Loading by John Kiefer is a popular & successful fitness and fat loss manual, and right now thousands of people are learning how easy it is to look the way they want every day of their lives - no self-deprivation required. Carb Back Loading helps you eat all the bad food you want and still gain muscle while losing fat simultaneously. That's essentially the promise Kiefer makes, and he delivers again.

Eat the Food You Love and Still Lose Fat.

A Carb Back Loading diet is basically timing when you eat your carbs, and only eating carbs in the afternoons/evenings after you've already worked out... that way the carbs are being consumed by your muscles rather than your fat cells, the science says. Essentially carb back loading is eating carbs toward the end of your day, so basically for dinner and dessert.

The author developed the manual after nearly two decades of reading through science and medical journals, absorbing everything from the thermodynamics of the body to biomolecular processes that make metabolism possible.

Can I Really Eat Donuts and Ice Cream and Still Lose Fat?

Yes, it worked for me and I had also tried everything before, I've also eaten donuts and woke up leaner the next day. The author of the manual also says he eats cherry turnovers, hamburgers and fries, ice cream and cheesecake and guess what? He still wakes up every morning to a toned, muscular body and a six-pack of abs.

This is because research has shown that for easy, sustainable fat loss, insulin levels should be kept as low as possible during the fast half of the day and spiked late at night. No more oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast - but bring on the late night pizza and cookies.

So what are the main steps to follow or start with?

* Have coffee/cream or tea in the morning. If having breakfast, protein and fat.
* Low carb throughout the day. Load up on good meats and veggies and good fats for lunch and snacks.
* Push any other carbs until post-workout (after 6pm which works well for busy moms who just want normal family dinners.) Again, even if you're training in the morning, or you aren't training at all that day, you would still see results just by pushing carbs back until evening. I know, because I've done it all.
* Enjoy a nice dessert in the evening like a donut or ice cream and still lose fat!
* A Carb back loading diet is basically timing when you eat your carbs, and only eating carbs in the afternoons/evenings after you've already worked out... that way the carbs are being consumed by your muscles rather than your fat cells, the science says.
* Essentially you will be eating carbs toward the end of your day, so basically for dinner and dessert.

Next, Carb Back Loading - Discover How to Eat the Food You Love and Still Burn Fat!
Do you want to Enjoy Ice Cream and Donuts and Still Burn Fat?
1 Secret Carb Back Loading Review - 15 Real User Testimonials and 5 Video Reviews - Discover What Real Users Say About Carb Back Loading and See Photos of their New Bodies!

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Thursday 14 March 2013

Adding In More RAW Foods and Herbs For Weight Loss and More Energy

I think the more connected we are to raw live foods and connected physically to the earth, the more we can hear the universe/God. God is good. Life is good.

"Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29 (NIV)"And the Lord God commanded the man saying: of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat... (Genesis 2: 16)thou shalt eat the herbs of the field. "(Genesis 3: 18)

Processed foods and cooked food are dead. (They LACK nutrients. They put us in LACK).

They certainly put me in lack. I was eating healthier than most people but I lacked the vitamins & minerals my body needed. I was gaining weight but I was starving myself of the nutrients my body needed.

I was taking a lot of expensive supplements that are better than most of the supplements people take but I still wasn't absorbing them.

My doctor ran tests and kept adding in more supplements. But they really were not working.

I changed to more absorbable supplements which helped but to continue on my journey to health  I had to make another change.

That change was to eat more organic raw vegetables and herbs. The herbs are in supplement form but are still raw. My body can recognize them and absorbed them. I also limit my sugar and fruits.

"An herb as a natural substance provides healing, but it also provides a spiritual message.The Spiritual Properties of Herbs, by Gurudas

This may be a new idea for many of us, but other cultures have been using them for thousands of years. In the Amazon, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

The food we eat affects our thoughts, feelings & actions.

"The idea that each food, as a particular energy, affects us on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level is a new idea for many people in our industrial civilization. " Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens Md:

So here is the cool thing. As I have been upgrading my food and supplements, I have been losing weight.

I actually gained weight while I was taking supplements that didn't work for my body. I got up to my highest weight ever while taking supplements and protein drinks that were not raw.

Since 2009 I have lost 70 pounds. In the last 6 months I lost 12 pounds.

It is slow & steady weight loss. And I am getting healthier and I have more energy.

Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.

For more articles, tips and business advice, check out her website at:

Stay connected and subscribe to her free Ezine on her website today at:

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Science Is Catching Up to the Low Carb Lifestyle

It is probably no secret that ever since the low carb weight loss diet approach was published, who's arguably most visible proponent was Dr. Robert Atkins; the medical profession in general, was not impressed. In fact, it could be suggested that many doctors, researchers and government agencies went out of their way to try to convince us to disregard such an approach to weight loss. Study after study was presented as evidence and in support of their position. There was so much negative information in the media that eventually it became a weight loss method that if followed was not something that the participant spoke too openly about. It just wasn't socially acceptable. This seems to be a common method of suppressing anything that isn't status quo.

But something happened along the way that began to change things. Proponents of low carb weight loss actually lost weight; lots of it. They kept the weight off and began to show signs of other health related benefits such a reduced cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure results, fewer Glycemic attacks and so on. Pressure on the medical establishment began to build and calls for more bone-fide research reached a very high level. Over time, these calls resulted in increasing numbers of studies that showed there may be some validity to the diet approach. It was a start.

With over approximately 60% of Americans overweight or obese and significant numbers of us suffering from related chronic illness such as diabetes and heart disease the importance of providing safe, effective weight loss methods is critical. It seems that most diets fail. My impression is that our inability to persevere, demands placed on us by our personal and professional lives and the lack of long term results are major contributors to this failure. An approach that isn't severely restrictive with respect to food choices, offers initial weight reduction success in return for some upfront buy-in to the plan for a couple of weeks and can account for, predict and help to resolve plateaus deserves much attention.

In fact, Gary Foster, Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at Temple University in Philadelphia recently was quoted as saying, "We have passed the time where we would say the Atkins diet is bad for you. That's an outdated position. This is a viable alternative for weight loss."

It is important to state here that any approach that safely, and upon review by your healthcare professional, helps you to loss weight is very beneficial and deserves consideration. Some are more applicable to your lifestyle and preferences. If so, follow them.

It should be your hope and objective that initial weight loss will turn into a complete lifestyle change. Let's face it, it is our eating habits and lifestyle that created the problem in the first place, unless a particular medical condition was the culprit. It is my opinion that eventually if there is no lifestyle change, there is no long term weight loss and maintenance of that weight loss. Welcome to the infamous "weight loss roller coaster" which, it has been reported, can be dangerous to your health in its own right.

Recently, a summary of 17 studies following over 1,100 obese individuals that were following the low carb weight loss approach provided some very interesting observations. On average these dieters, over the course of 6 - 12 month lost almost 18 pounds. At the very worst that is 1.5 pounds per month average over the year. Who wouldn't sign up for that upfront?

It seems that our dieters improved their body shape by losing inches around their waist, but that's not all. They saw improvements in other categories as well. Specifically, areas such as blood pressure, blood sugar, blood fats and good cholesterol had improved while the bad cholesterol (LDL) had not changed. Bottom line is that by improving heart disease and other risk factors, our dieters were becoming healthier. Isn't this what it is all about?

I know that the medical profession is a dedicated, often selfless group of people. In addition to doing us no hard and curing our ills they are committed to protecting our better good. Now, to some extent science is catching up to the low carb weight loss lifestyle. I'd like to see more physicians take a second look at this research so that those of us who follow this approach can become more mainstream; getting the good news out to more people who would benefits as a result.

If interested in Low Carb Weight Loss Diets, join us at Low Carb Weight Loss. Recipes, Menus, Success Stories, Tips, Exercise/Fitness and Lifestyle Issues.

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Wednesday 13 March 2013

Paleo Recipe Book Review - Should You Buy It Or Avoid It?

What is the Paleo Recipe Book?

The Paleo Recipe book is truly unique. Paleo is short for Palaeolithic. Yes you guessed it, it refer to the caveman era. The days when our ancestors ate only naturally occurring foods, nothing was processed. And that's what this recipe book is all about. Eating naturally occurring foods like nuts, fruit, meat, poultry and fish. These foods naturally occurring in nature provide us with all the nutrients we need for excellent health, greater energy levels and greater alertness.

This book teaches us to avoid foods like sugar, wheat, milk and processed foods which get us addicted to unhealthy eating habits. Our Bodies don't function to their full potential if we fill them with processed foods. How many times have you had fast foods that left you feeling lethargic and slow?

The Paleo Recipe Book will surprise you because you can enjoy eating whatever you like as long as it's part of the ingredients in this diet. The most important foods in the Paleo Recipe book are meat and vegetables. I was surprised to hear this because in Australia, a typical Aussie meal is " meat and three veg", ask any Aussie family. Next important are fruit, nuts, poultry and fish.

The Paleo Recipe Cookbook also includes an 8 week weight loss meal plan, Paleo dessert recipes and a guide to Herbs and Spices that will have you running the supermarket to top up you herb and spice rack. Herbs and spices are not just to make your food taste yummy but were also used for their medicinal properties by our cave dwelling ancestors. This book has been known to help people lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle by avoiding the processed food that our bodies were not designed to run on.

The Benefits:

Simply written and easily downloadable 395 page e-book.Over 370 delicious recipes.Full of recipe photos make it easy to understand.Bonus free 8 week meal plan.Bonus free Herb and Spice guide.Tips on how to cook steak, choose the right foods and much more.A money back guarantee.

The Negative:

All meals must be planned out.Requires you to have some cooking experience

The Final Word:

Food is one of the two factors in losing weight and keeping it off. One of the biggest problems with losing weight is finding nutritious meals that taste good and are easy and quick to prepare. The Paleo Recipe book offers meals that are good for you, taste great and look great too. Here is a cookbook that takes dieting and turns it into a lifestyle change and gives you great tasting meals that are good for. You will be dieting without even knowing it.

Click Here To Read More Reviews

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Different Strategies - Stop Loss Orders

Being obese can take years off your life and in some cases may be as dangerous as smoking, a new study says. British researchers at the University of Oxford analyzed 57 studies mostly in Europe and North America, following nearly one million people for an average of 10 to 15 years. During that time, about 100,000 of those people died.

The studies used Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that divides a person's weight in kilograms by their height squared in meters to determine obesity. Researchers found that death rates were lowest in people who had a BMI of 23 to 24, on the high side of the normal range.

Health officials generally define overweight people as those with a BMI from 25 to 29, and obese people as those with a BMI above 30.

The study was published online Wednesday in the medical journal, Lancet. It was paid for by Britain's Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and others.

"If you are heading towards obesity, it may be a good idea to lose weight," said Sir Richard Peto, the study's main statistician and a professor at Oxford University.

Peto and colleagues found that people who were moderately fat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. People who were morbidly fat - those with a BMI above 40 - lost about 10 years off their expected lifespan, similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.

Moderately obese people were 50 percent more likely to die prematurely than normal-weight people, said Gary Whitlock, the Oxford University epidemiologist who led the study.

He said that obese people were also two thirds more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke, and up to four times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. They were one sixth more likely to die of cancer.

"This really emphasizes the importance of weight gain," said Dr. Arne Astrup, a professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen who was not linked to the Lancet study. "Even a small increase in your BMI is enough to increase your risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer."

Previous studies have found that death rates increase both above and below a normal BMI score, and that people who are moderately overweight live longer than underweight or normal-weight people.

Other experts said that because the papers used in the study mostly started between 1975 and 1985, their conclusions were not as relevant today.

Astrup worried that rising obesity rates may reverse the steep drops in heart disease seen in the West.

"Obesity is the new dark horse for public health officials," he said. "People need to be aware of the risks they're taking when they gain weight."

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Tuesday 12 March 2013

Primal Burn Fat Burner System Diet Plan Review - Does It Work?

Primal Burn Book Review - Does it Work?

The Primal Burn program is a popular & successful eBook by Ken Smith and has helped thousands of people worldwide to lose weight successfully. It incorporates a formula that helps the body to burn fat quickly by eating foods and doing targeted exercises that cause the body to speed up metabolism.

Helps Increase Your Metabolism.

Primal Burn Fat Burner System is based upon health and weight loss information obtained from extensive research in this field. The exercise structure of the program has two sections that are designed for various fitness levels. It also includes an "absolute beginner" workout so that those who are brand new to short duration and high intensity exercise can learn gradually. The program also incorporates a plan which includes eating foods that speed up a sluggish metabolism to help lose weight quickly.

Reveals a Secret to Burn More Fat Naturally.

The book will reveal a secret that almost everyone does each day without effort. Research has shown that it helps to shed pounds, simply by going to sleep. Insufficient sleep slows down the metabolism and also increases the BMI, which we know means the body is carrying around excessive fat in. So, in addition to causing an insatiable hunger due to the appetite hormone, the poor restless sleeper also has a slower metabolism because of lack of sleep. To put it another way, lack of sleep often causes an increase in the appetite, leading to overeating either during the night or the next day.

Lose 10, 20 or Even 50 Lbs Naturally.

Primal Burn is a program that incorporates all of these things through safe nutritional guidance that results in weight loss without starvation. The book also addresses exercise, which is vital to losing and maintaining weight, by offering safe and effective routines to supplement the nutritional plan for people at all levels of fitness. No matter your current weight and figure, this formula can help you burn fat fast, set your metabolism right into a fat-burning state, reach your optimal weight, develop more energy, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, and improve your overall health. It is an easy to use guide including step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. It works for both men and women as well. So if you need to drop 10, 20, or even 50 lbs of fat, then try the Primal Burn Fat Burner System!

Next, Primal Burn Fat Burner System Reveals How You Can Lose 10 - 30 Pounds in 1 - 2 Months from Now. Heart Attacks, Diabetes and Cancer are Dangerous Diseases You Risk by Being Overweight. I Hope You are Not One of Them? 200 Free Weight Loss Tips - Discover How to Lose 10 - 100 Pounds in 1 - 6 Months Naturally!

View the original article here

Monday 11 March 2013

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review - The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide

I read and review dozens of weight loss plans and Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle has to be one of the most complete and detailed guides to losing fat I have come across. Tom has poured his 20 plus years of experience and knowledge into this ebook and leaves nothing out. It really could be the only guide to fat loss one ever needs to read.

Being a 7 time natural bodybuilding champion, there is no one that better understands losing fat like Tom. After all, anyone who can get down to 3.7% body fat without compromising muscle loss really knows what they are talking about.

There are no gimmicks, scientific jargon or unrealistic promises. The plan is written for the average person to understand and follow and is based on sound fat loss principles. Primarily, the program is based on "calories in vs. calories out." Tom believes that each person can be grouped into specific body types and that once you understand your body type, you can then figure out the exact calories and micronutrient ratios your body needs to create a calorie deficit and lose weight.

The majority of the eBook is dedicated to understanding nutrition and by the end of the diet section, you will feel like an expert on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. You'll learn which foods to choose, which ones to avoid, when and how often to eat, and how much of each type is best for your body and goals.

In addition to thoroughly discussing nutrition, Tom also goes over other key elements of his plan such as motivation, goal setting, measuring body fat, tracking progress, as well as exercise and training.

The exercise and training portion is based on a lot of theory, so for those looking for specific exercise routines to do with instruction on how to perform each exercise, you may be disappointed. Tom does provide his top 5 exercises for each muscle group and also gives a suggested plan for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels to follow, though. You will just need to learn the proper form of each exercise on your own. A simple way to do this is to ask a trainer at the gym or check out a YouTube video on the exercise you want to learn.

Supplements are not essential for the Burn The Fat plan, but a multivitamin and omega 3 supplement is suggested. Meal replacement bars or drinks are also recommended for those that don't have enough time to prepare meals or eat.

Overall, if you are looking for a comprehensive guide to fat loss and really want to understand nutrition, then I highly recommend getting more information about Tom's plan by reading our in-depth Burn The Fat review.

We also have an amazing FREE fat loss eBook from Tom that you can download or print out and follow.

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